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DeutschDifferent use cases require different app distribution methods. Therefor Google and Apple provide several options. The main differentiation lays in either a public app distribution where everyone can download apps from Google’s and Apple’s public app stores (Play Store, App Store). For use cases which require a private app distribution (e.g. employee engagement apps) especially Apple requires a different way to provide the apps to the dedicated target audience. Apple particularly claims, that apps which don’t provide any value to the public (includes closed user group apps such as employee apps where only employees of one company can login and use the app) are not allowed to be distributed via the public App Store.
Google provides a fairly simple process to deploy and distribute apps for Android devices. Fundamental is a Google Play Console account which needs to be applied and paid for via Once set up, an app project can be created and all required app distribution information uploaded. From here the app can be published to the Google Play Store and is available for download to the public.
Android remote installation via Mobile Device Management
To install the app remotely on a managed Android device (e.g. by enterprise IT) the app can be signed from Google Play to the internal app store container inside of the MDM. From here the app can be provided to the user as optional download or remote push installation.
For app distribution on iOS devices, an Apple Developer Account is mandatory and can be created via The Developer Account is the basic platform where app projects are created and distribution information are uploaded.
After creating the app in the Developer Account, there are two option how to process with the app distribution. Either the apps are provided for download via the public Apple App Store. If the app should be distributed privately (e.g. for internal corporate communication apps) the Apple Business Manager ( is the required platform. The Business Manager needs to be connected to the developer account (from which the app comes) via “Organisation Name” and “Organisation ID”
If Apple Business Manager is used for private app distribution, download links can be created via Apple’s Volume Purchase Program (VPP). (). These links then can be provided privately e.g. via email invite to the target audience.
If the app should be distributed via a Mobile Device Management System, the app can be signed to the mdm app container from the Apple Business Manager and either remotely pushed or provided as optional download to the targeted managed device (e.g. of an employee).